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by Aleksander Gora
一月 8, 2020 (2min read)
Genesis创世纪升级第二个测试版本现已发布,我们鼓励测试者们升级至新版本软件。 与第一个测试版本相比,内容更新如下:...




  • 并行区块验证 (Parallel Block Validation)
  • 并行区块验证的增强功能测试 (Enhance tests for Parallel Block Validation)
  • 常见的创世纪激活代码与命令行选项 (Common Genesis activation code and command line option)
  • 对于已通过测试的代码,删除对应的测试注释语句 (Uncomment parts of functional tests that was depended on other now complete code)
  • 创世纪升级之后,在主网上启用对非标准交易的验证 (Enable validation of non-standard txns (on MainNet) when Genesis is enabled)
  • 将内存池的默认值设为1GB (Set mempool default = 1Gb)
  • 删除User Agent中的区块大小字段 (Remove block size from user agent string)
  • 更改默认交易费(默认打包费率为0.5聪/字节,默认允许的最低转播费率为0.25聪/字节)(Change default tx fees (default txfee = 0.5 sat/byte, default minrelaytxfee = 0.25 sat/byte))
  • 更新SPV布隆过滤器,以避免重放攻击 (Update SPV bloom filters re attack mitigation)
  • 将acceptp2sh重命名为acceptp2sh_ashashpuzzle (Rename acceptp2sh to acceptp2sh_ashashpuzzle)
  • 提高无序化预分配的性能 (Improve performance of prevector deserialization)
  • 取消每1MB区块数据中的CHECKSIG的数量限制 (Remove the limit on the number of CHECKSIGS per MB of block space.)
  • 对于LimitedStack的向量,提供单元测试 (Provide unit tests for LimitedStack/vector)
  • 更改日志消息,使其内容更加精准 (Change logging messages to be more precise)


  • 修复错误:验证非标准事务时,可能将节点锁定超过一分钟 (Fix: Validating non-standard transactions can lock up a node for more than a minute)
  • 在验证交易时,使用“拒绝提示”和“封禁记分”功能 (Fix: Tx validation uses original reject message and ban score is used)
  • 修复:区块发送列队溢出 (Fix block send queue overflow)
  • 修复:bsv::deserialize函数中的未定义行为 (Fix undefined behaviour in bsv::deserialize)
  • 修复错误:在0.2.2版本中,”bitcoin-cli help getblock” 无法正常运行 (Fix bug: bitcoin-cli help getblock not working in 0.2.2)
  • 修复错误:当检测不到Boost的正确版本时,配置失败 (Fix build: Configure should fail when it can’t detect boost)
  • 修复错误:对创世纪新功能的测试,设置执行权限位 (Set the execute bit on all the new Genesis functional tests)
  • 修复:最近区块中位数时间 (Fix MedianTimePast)
  • 修复错误:无输入的非最终交易,会被错误拒绝 (Fix: Nonfinal transactions with no inputs is rejected with incorrect reason)
  • 修复:asn1_integer的内存泄露 (Fix memory leak in asn1_integer)
  • 修复:boost::optional 函数的警告 (Fix boost::optional warnings)
  • 在验证内存池的交易时,如果高优先级的队列超时,则不应发送拒绝消息 (Fix: When validating mempool transactions, a reject message is sent if the high priority queue times out)
  • 修复错误:源码包中未包含 (Fix: does not get included in packaged source)